Proclaim His Name will be there to do just that, […]. While an estimated 10,000 to 12,000 people will be out in the Kenosha area celebrating the 4th of July at the Kenosha Civic Veterans Parade, we will be there to evangelize to the lost and proclaim His name. (Ps. We are on our way to achieving our goal, but still need some help. “He appointed some of the Levites to minister before the ark of the LORD, to extol, thank, and praise the LORD, the God of Israel:” “Give praise to the LORD, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done. We encourage all saints in the area to come out and help us with this event. Hi, my name is Isabelle, but people usually call me Izzi, Isa, Belle, or if we’re real tight…Iz. David understood this better than anyone. A great commission church engaged in transforming lives. Discover the Father's true name and His will for His name in the book: Proclaim His Holy Name. jonburkeen Uncategorized February 6, 2018 2 Minutes “This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all.” 1 John 1:5. Much is at stake in this crucial Election year. Yep, we have enter into the holiday season when people are out and about looking for that perfect gift for their loved ones. Registration. The Way of the Master Basic Training Course, June 18th, 2011 Puerto Rican Parade/Festival In Chicago, IL. See more ideas about jehovah names, jehovah, jehovah's witnesses. Proclaim His Holy Name Bible (KJV) The Father's and Son's names are restored and their words are highlighted in red in this Enhanced Red Letter King James Bible. I am hopeful Peyton, as a Christian, will recognize he is called to stand for Christ and proclaim His name regardless of push back or attention/distraction – for there will be persecution and hard times, but Christ gives us hope – for our purpose in life is greater than football or ridicule or anythign in this life. We handed out thousands of tracts in only a couple of hours and during this outreach we received many thanks and encouragement from a few people out there. Spotify: A great day at PCF as people are beginning to come to corporate worship once again. During the Kentucky Derby there will be Thousands upon Thousands that will hear the Gospel. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Proclaim His Holy Name: Uncovering Yehovah's Will for His Name at On this day as Elijah and Joe Lillie were walking by as Tony whistled and called us up to where he sat. We do this by providing them with an opportunity to hear the Gospel and also giving them a gift when we know to some of the children we reach will not receive anything this year for Christmas. Jan 1, 2019 - Explore Clydella Huggins's board "Proclaim His Name" on Pinterest. Many of those who had attened this outreach at that time had not even handed out a tract before, yet thank God they found the courage to step out of there comfort zone to stand up on a stool and open air preach for the first time. We may not be able to be in the house of the Lord all day but we can go about with the same attitude. Proclaim His Name. I just think that having lost such a close loved one and being faced with the reality of death was somewhat of a wake up call for him. I have no idea how many people know the name of our Creator and the name of His son, but I fear it is relatively few. He received his … Freedom from what, you may ask. Proclaim His Name is a ministry which focuses on evangelism, our primary goal is to share the Gospel, proclaiming the name of Jesus, to the lost anywhere and everywhere we can. Written by East-West Staff “I will praise the name of God with a song; I will magnify him with thanksgiving.” -Psalm 69:30, ESV, emphasis added. We are hoping to give just over 2000 good quality gifts this year, so if you find it in your heart to help donate to this cause we would gratefully appreciate it. We walked up, as Joe began to talk with the man it became very evident there was something weighing heavily on his heart. They were to extol, thank, and praise the Lord. Required fields are marked *. You may just be the only one in your area who sets out to reach the lost, and God may use you so that through you, many may be reached. The PCF Pastoral Team aptly led the first prayer meeting of 2021 last Wednesday, with a short devotion led by Pastor Al Dela Torre. Overall it was a good night, God’s word went out and will not return void. Yet God loves us so much that while we were yet sinners He sent His son to die on the cross(Romans 5:8), so that by his blood being shed we may be set free from the punishment of death and hell. “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” Read honest and … To God be the Glory. Nonetheless, let us never forget the greatest sacrifice made by our Lord Jesus Christ, who has truly made a sacrifice that is in comparable by any of us. There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. Jesus also knew the cost, He said, “Greater love hath no man […], Amarillo, TX 04/15-04/30/2013 Witnessing to the lost here in Amarillo, TX we will be visiting college campuses and other local events during this time Proclaiming Christ Crucified. Check this youtube video of Tony Miano preaching a wonderful word of encouragement entitled “Don’t Quit!”, Are we ready for a revelation? Posted on February 17, 2012 by Melinda Donnelly. Thank you and may God Bless you. However in order to provide gifts for every child that we minister to we need your help. “Proclaim His Name” is an original worship song by Markus Templeton released May 8, 2020. Acts 4:12 says that “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” So we will be taking a team of evangelists to hit the streets of the Chicago area on June 18th while there will be a Puerto Rican Parade to share the Gospel message. Posted on December 21, 2018 by judithpurkiss. He helps out some locals in the area do an acrobatics show for tourists. Reaching the kids and teens in Fiji by ministering to those in need. Many of you will see this tract out around the fourth of July this year. Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts. For more info, please email Proclaim His Name will be there to do just that, Proclaim the Name of Jesus Christ of which is the only name given to men which we may be saved by. With these donations together we will advance God’s Kingdom. They were to give praise to the Lord, to proclaim His name. It turns out the night before he had lost his wife. May we be salt and light for the world and proclaim the name of Jesus! English Standard Version The LORD descended in the cloud and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the LORD. Proclaim His Holy Name: Uncovering Yehovah's Will for His Name: Miller-Russo, Peter, Miller-Russo, Linda: 9780983363309: Books - He is currently working on his PhD in Historical Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. We are on our way to achieving our goal, but still need some help. Thank you and God Bless!!! That had to be an awesome job. After Tony shared with us what was on his mind we spoke and share a word of comfort. Of those 291,557 were lost in combat, that made the most lives lost in combat of all the wars Americans fought. We are to seek His face daily, praise Him continually, and rejoice over the many blessings He has given us. By Proclaim His Name Exalted in Christianity , evangelism , Experiences , musings , Uncategorized © 2019 Daily Walk Devotion All Rights Reserved. W hen you watch a great movie at the theater, no one has to coerce you to tell your friends about it. We encourage all saints in the area to come out and join us on this Outreach. As we watch the social and moral fabric of the nation that we cherish become so frayed, we want to celebrate the values of God, Family and Country that made this nation so great, and call upon the Lord to restore and revive them … Then read your Bible daily and obey what you read. With these donations together we will advance God’s Kingdom. However, after a Q&A session with them I was able to explain the methods of street preaching and evangelism are biblical and then share with them the true Gospel and warned them about their lukewarmness. We are on our way to achieving this goal. Witnessing to the lost here in Amarillo, TX we will be visiting college campuses and other local events during this time Proclaiming Christ Crucified. In WWII 405,399 soldiers lost their life fighting for their fellow man. It turns out sometimes you just need to go out to the streets and just be an ear to listen to people. For more information please contact Elijah at Thank you and God Bless!!! by Jacqueline McKool Submitted by Mark Virkler on October 05, 2016 - 14:12 Recently, as I thought about the Islamic influence that has quickly and resolutely infiltrated our nation, I asked the Lord how to specifically pray about it. We must persevere and continue on despite all the hardships and trials that lay ahead. My desire is to share His name with others, to "Proclaim His Name." | Designed by, His Name Shall Be Called - Daily Walk Devotional, Sent to Proclaim the Gospel - Daily Walk Devotional. Continuing along bourbon street we then encountered a group of Christian college graduates who profess to know Christ yet were filled with a contentious spirit. to find out more about sidewalk sunday school visit Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts. Continue to keep us in your prayers so that we may continue to set out and reach the lost. O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people. The course itself is an eight week study that gradually takes the average Christian out of their comfort zone and into the harvest field to share the Gospel biblically and effectively. Whether it be to just share a tract or step up on a soap box, we think this is a great opportunity to do so. (Mark 16:15). Proclaim His Name. “He appointed some of the Levites to minister before the ark of the LORD, to extol, thank, and praise the LORD, the God of Israel:” “Give praise to the LORD, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done. The only way to be successful in the Gospel Proclamation is in embracing those who we want to lead to Jesus. If you are in the Milwaukee or Chicago areas, or in between and are in need of an instructor for this class I would be happy to provide “free of charge” leadership for this course. King David appointed Levites to minister before the Ark of the Lord. Three days later, He then rose from the grave forever defeating death (Acts 17:30, 31). I didn't for most of my life. On the fourth of July we often celebrate freedom and the sacrifice made by many of our soldiers. 2,994 were here. After a walking through Jackson Square Brother Joe and I went to Bourbon st and ran into another individual who claimed to be a christian, yet he was foul mouthed and carrying a beer. We plan to take a team of evangelist to hit the streets and share the Gospel. We are Corey and Kristen Johnson, and we’re so glad you stopped by. Make His acts known among the peoples. Join us to Proclaim His Name from now until Election 2020. What an awesome time we had at this outreach. With an estimated crowd of 300,000 people, we have chosen to take this opportunity to reach as many of them as possible. Only on Jackson Square can you run into a Tarot Card reader who is an Ordained minister and a High Priestess, I am sorry but you can not serve two master as scripture says you will love one and hate the other. Below is a picture of the Gospel tract handed out front and back. We need to raise $2,900 to send a missionary to Fiji with the Rock Church of Virginia Beach, VA to Proclaim the Gospel. Corey is a husband, father, and pastor. However, I thank God that he allows us to encounter such wonderful saints who come along and give that word of encouragement at the right time to lift those spirits and motivate us to press on. "Proclaim His Holy Name" will lead you through a scriptural exploration of the actual name of our Creator, uncovering His name as it is written in Hebrew and English as well as answering questions such as: What is the Creator's will regarding His holy name? Proclaim His Name with Thanksgiving. Articles. I grew up in South Florida in love with all things sunshine and saltwater. His way is the best way, and it is found by submitting to His way and in the knowledge of Him, in submission and humility. Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts. What God requires of us is that we humble ourselves, pray, seek God and REPENT (turn from sin) (2 Chronicles 7:14) and place your faith and trust in Jesus, who alone is the only one that is able to save you (Acts 4:12) from hell. I had a group of like 6 or 7 girls just about surround me saying my preaching was wrong yet they hadn’t even heard me preach. Make mention that His Name is set on high. Welcome to Proclaim His Name. I think he just needed to be reminded that there is a God that can deliver us from death. May God reach out to them and may there hearts be receptive to the Gospel. Your email address will not be published. King James Bible Of those 291,557 were lost in combat, that made the most lives lost in combat of all the wars Americans fought. The bible makes it very clear that no drunkard, adulterer or fornicator will inherit the kingdom of heaven, and by your fruits you will be known. Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice. Our third week in this series of Thy Kingdom Come we hear through Pastor Ian and his message entitled Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread. They have allowed sin to run so freely within. Luke 17 tells the story of Jesus coming upon 10 lepers. Or perhaps you may be the motivation others need to stand up and step out of there comfort zone. I Corinthians 11:26 “For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes.” We have read this scripture a hundred times, we’ve heard it read to us a thousand times, but now is the time to really understand its importance. Joel 2:32 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD hath said, and in the remnant whom the LORD … She past away and he had been thinking about it very deeply. For those who sin proclaim a joyful sound that makes you want to follow them. However with a handful of God’s warriors we hit the streets determined to proclaim God’s name, and that we did. Reaching the kids and teens in Fiji by ministering to those in need. Proclaim His Name is a ministry which focuses on evangelism, our primary goal is to share the Gospel, proclaiming the name of Jesus, to the lost anywhere and everywhere we can. With these donations together we will advance God’s Kingdom. It is meant to flow naturally from a heart of gratitude and awe. Keep at it, never losing faith. Tony (right) requested pray after losing a loved one the night before and Joe (left) and Elijah (not pictured) prayed for Tony. Moses asked God, “What else will distinguish me and Your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?” And the Lord replied, “I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name.” Praise is an act of worship, whether in prayer, song, dance or declaration. 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