Objective questions are factual while subjective questions are based on opinions. There’s no need to wait until registration to ask this question: Once speakers and other events are finalized, you can start generating interest by posing the query on social media. Pre Conference Parent Questionnaire. 67 so far. Learn from expert virtual event organizers. To put on a successful event, you need to understand your audience and know what they want. These event survey questions would be different to those you send out to your attendees. It’s a short survey, and we haven’t exactly been overwhelmed with responses. Pre-Conference Survey Let's get ready for SUMMIT! Add a separate question for each category of events. Food allergies? Include as an optional question on registration forms or in a post-registration survey. Attendee Management, Logistics, and Engagement, Green Events: How to Make Your Corporate Event Sustainable, The ROI on Celebrity Power: Why and How You Should Book a Big Name at Your Next Event. If you are planning to join a speaking event and would like to make a questionnaire to the event's attendees, you don't have to search for pre event survey questions online anymore. What topics (or exhibitors) interest you the most? This survey can pop up when a person registers for your event. You can also send out surveys to specific event participants, say your speakers or exhibitors. A multiple-choice question with four to five options, including word-of-mouth as well as your major marketing channels, Best used for trade shows, public events, and other events where your marketing efforts have spanned multiple channels. An engaged audience is one that goes beyond just show up. Closed-ended questions 5. Should we include longer or more breaks in between sessions? You’ll get a better response rate with a quick, simple survey rather than one that’s long and requires a lot of writing. As a poll on your website or on social media – This is best for binary or multi-choice quantitative questions. How did you find the facilities you used for your session? Copyright © 2021 Whova All Rights reserved. We ran out of notepads, how many people didn’t get one and would like one? Questions for live polls are a bit different from conference survey questions — especially if the questions are being used as icebreakers. Use a simple template that’s easy to use and understand, with just a handful of questions. How many times have you attended this conference? Event Marketing What kind of SWAG do you prefer? After registration, on a post-registration confirmation screen or on a survey platform – This works for any and all questions, excluding mandatory questions you include during registration. Even before your event starts, it can be improved. In the event planning stages, there’s a lot of useful info to be gained from potential attendees. Feel free to customize these pre event survey questions according to the event you are attending! Before the event, organizers are still in the planning phase. Access 9+ Survey Templates in Whova. What kind of vendors would you like to see at the event? During the registration process – This method is best for any question you need every attendee to answer. Some event apps even use in-app notifications to remind attendees to fill out surveys, which helps boost response rates even higher. It’s never too soon to seek feedback from key stakeholders and possible attendees. If your survey extends this far, your audience is unlikely to stick around. Make sure your multi-choice options cover as many aspects as possible, including mobility, hearing/sight aid, and others. (50 questions). Note that not everyone will see these questions, and the incentive for answering is low. Live polling is a fun way to get feedback in real time and keep your attendees engaged and connected. Question Type: NPS. What are your food preferences? You could include it on the purchase confirmation page or in a post-registration survey. Some special swag or drink voucher are great ideas! Would anyone who’s arriving on Sunday be interested in hanging out with other early arrivals? https://www.getfeedback.com/.../ultimate-guide-conference-event-surveys Finally, there’s the question of engagement. As you get more information about what people are most interested in, you can adjust your event accordingly. That’s why we’ve created this step-by-step question guide. People are pressed for time, which is why brief surveys tend to have higher response rates. A high degree of client satisfaction is important to gauge as it may indicate client retention and future opportunities. Add to your registration form or include in a post-registration survey. Was the location of your booth suitable for generating traffic? This question helps ensure your event can be attended by anyone and that everyone enjoys their event experience, so it’s important to ask well in advance. Live polling can be the perfect place to ask questions like: 2) Increase attendee engagement: With live poll questions on an event app, you and your speakers can project the questions and answers on a presentation screen for all to see. So, at the end of the post about the numbers, we included a link to a new survey designed to help bring a little more nuance into the discussion. Its purpose is to assess students’ perceptions of changes in their knowledge and skills, personal attributes, or impact on … It’s a win-win for everyone involved. From collecting quantitative feedback to getting to know your attendees, live polls are a great way to increase attendee engagement at your event. Ask participants to rate the date, location, speakers, vendors, and catering of the event. By making sure your surveys can be filled out on mobile, or even through your event app, you increase the likelihood that attendees will respond while on the go at your event. Adding a comment box allows attendees to add options that may not have been included. Don’t worry—it’s one you can overcome. Start time: End time: 12. Results from the pre-conference survey used to plan Plone Conference 2006. If you’re serving food, this question helps you plan for food choices that everyone can enjoy. Ask follow up questions about the most important aspects of the event, like the keynote speaker. Asking questions shows your audience that you’re interested in what they think. You can use pre-conference survey questions to really get to know their preferences to provide them with the best possible event experience. Still, questions remained. Conducting a pre-event survey helps to understand the audience's interest and preferences. With the useful insights received, you'll find the i… Event Manager Blog also listed live polling as one of the top. Online Registration Here is an example of a list of possible questions you can ask regarding your conference: 1. Get Certified as Whova Virtual Event Planning Professional. It’s also useful as a reminder to registrants that they have the option to choose a partner hotel. How many times have you attended this conference? This is true at all stages of the process, including before the event starts! And because event surveys aren’t the only way to generate event feedback, we also offer Live Polling within the Whova event app. To serve you better, please share what you're most interested in learning about at the conference. So what kind of questions should you include in your surveys? 1) Inform decision-making before or during events: Live poll questions can help you make decisions in real time. Picture choice questions 3. If you’re interested in exploring other creative ways to engage attendees, check out this step-by-step guide to attendee engagement. Kick off your survey … Mandatory yes/no question with multiple-choice options, plus a comment box so respondents can elaborate if necessary, Essential for most events, including corporate, industry, and public events. The success of your event depends on knowing as much as possible about those who choose to attend. Single-choice and multiple choice questions 2. Include as a multiple-choice question and/or an optional comment field. first name, Ms. Smith, Dr. T)? Results from the pre-conference survey used to plan Plone Conference 2006. Intolerances? This question helps the hotels with which you’re partnering plan their booking schedules. Virtual Conference However, creating live poll and conference survey questions from scratch can take hours when you’re already busy with a long to-do list. Include at the end of the registration process, e.g. By participating in the polls and seeing the dynamic results, attendees feel more involved in the event experience. E.g. 1) Pre-event survey: Wouldn’t it be great to get a pulse on what’s exciting attendees most before your event? (pens, paper for notes, tote bags?). Are you likely to participate in one of our events in the future? Loyal attendees are proof that your event is ticking the right boxes for your target demographic. That means doing the groundwork beforehand, so you can time it. Questions about special accommodations attendees may need are in this category. Your post conference survey questions aren’t something you just have to do in order to avoid feeling guilty—like scraping off a plate for a leftover meal.Your survey is a part of the event. What’s your preferred social media platform? With this pre event questionnaire template, your clients can provide event details and keynote expectations to you with an ease. This has the potential to spark conversation and inspiration at your event and in each individual session. Each type of question is useful for generating particular information. It is important to conduct pre-meeting and post-meeting surveys in order to gather information about the attendees’ expectations and to gather feedback afterwards. 7. Add to a post-registration survey or purchase confirmation page. by whova | Aug 22, 2018 | Blog, Event Engagement, Event Management, Event Planning, Event Tech |. There are several ways to do this, and certain kinds of questions are best disseminated in particular ways. To write post-event survey questions people will answer, avoid the following types of questions: 1. Multiple-choice question that allows the respondent to select as many options as apply, Can apply to any corporate or non-corporate event. Virtual Events, Corporate Events & Trade Shows - ProGlobal Events San Francisco, CA. Event survey tip #1: Send it quickly. For keynotes, what is the exact planned time for speaker’s presentation? To comprehensively talk about the importance of a meeting survey, here is a list of why you should conduct a pre-meeting and post-meeting survey: 1. If you’re interested in exploring other creative ways to engage attendees, check out this, use live polling to improve attendee participation, step-by-step guide to attendee engagement, 8 Event Management and Planning Software That Will Save You Time, Not a Tech Geek? (We’ll provide a downloadable template below but if you want more, you can find them on our mobile survey platform.). Provide a list that allows respondents to choose up to 30% of the available options. Pre-event survey questions might look like this: Download Pre-Event Survey Questions By participating in the polls and seeing the dynamic results, attendees feel more involved in the event experience. These include: 1. Asking this question helps you better understand your … Follow these tips to create a post-event survey with truly useful and actionable data. Asking this question helps you understand if any improvements are needed. Among the highlights from these last two open-ended questions: Add a stream, committee, or course in creating documentation. The questions you ask your attendees impact the event feedback you receive. How would you judge if our presentation was a success or not? The more repeat attendees you have, the better your event looks to sponsors and stakeholders. Your survey should be … A parent survey is a great tool for carrying out the task properly. Include on registration forms, on the post-purchase confirmation page, or in a post-registration survey. 1. Which topics would you like the conference to cover? Don’t forget things like recommendations and word of mouth too. Mid Event Survey Questions Surveys during the event provide ongoing qualitative and quantitative data on the attendee experience. Question #39. Sitemap. Event Manager Blog also listed live polling as one of the top engagement ideas for speakers. Along with other contextual information, this can help you determine if you need to change up your event marketing efforts. Event Planning: Do it right the first time Organizations looking to plan for their conferences and events better should administer pre-conference surveys. Webinars Asking questions is a far better way of gauging interest than guesswork. Include as a mandatory multiple-choice question with a comment box. Management Tools Examples of event or participant-specific survey questions include: We suggest that you encourage attendees to complete your surveys before leaving the venue. How valuable were the networking opportunities to your career development? Want to customize your surveys and get deeper insights? A post-pre survey is one of a number of tools that can be used to evaluate the impact of an instructional intervention (a course, program, workshop, etc.). Pre-Event Survey Questions You can use them to get an accurate headcount for activities that will keep your attendees engaged, making organization much easier. leadership conference, development workshop)? With live poll questions on an event app, you and your speakers can project the questions and answers on a presentation screen for all to see. Download a Live Poll Template Press Pro Tip: If you send out a full survey, consider offering a small perk for people who respond, which they can obtain at your event. on the post-registration confirmation page. Whova Releases Virtual Conference Support. The answer to this survey question can inform where your event marketing team should spend their time and dollars online. 2) Post-event survey: This is the most common survey used by organizers to get feedback. There are several solid reasons to start asking for event feedback well before one starts. What are you hoping to get out of this event? To get the best possible response rate, you need to act fast. It gives a great insight into what they want covered during our conference, so I can make the most of our short time together. The worst time to first mention a survey is in an email when the webinar concludes. Questions to Ask on Conference Feedback Surveys. 7. Include this question as part of the registration process. Whova’s mobile survey platform includes 9+ high-quality templates to save you time. Essential for any event where food (even snacks or hors d’oeuvres) is served to attendees. 10 Post Event Survey Questions to Measure Client Satisfaction Client satisfaction is a top priority for any professional in the events industry. Questions can include: Where is your country of origin? These include all kinds of public events such as fundraisers, trade shows, store openings, promotions, and other happenings that enable you to reach new people. In our experience, the last lunch or coffee break is the best time to remind them about survey completion. This means you may end up with several mini surveys rather than one large survey. The three categories of survey questions are: Note that because qualitative questions are the most time-consuming for people to answer, they’re usually the ones with the lowest response rate. 10. Who will be introducing the speaker (name, title, and how they should be addressed. Move events online during the COVID-19 outbreak. Every attendee has a unique experience, so it is essential to understand every individual’s opinion. Don’t force people to choose between speakers and classes, for instance, especially if you have a lot of both. Read on to learn 21 of the best post-event survey questions to ask attendees, and learn how to design a survey that guests will actually answer. 11. Careers at Whova You might think it’s a little too soon to be thinking about the event after this one, but the reality is, the decisions you make about your current event are important for every event that succeeds it. When planning an event, it's important to consider what the attendees and participants Saved by Teachers Pay Teachers. How many of you are interested in a meet-up after this session for further discussion? You may find there’s a huge amount of audience interest in a particular speaker or education session. To learn more about our event technology, request more information here. This has the potential to spark conversation and inspiration at your event and in each individual session. What kind of social activities would you like to see organized during this event? Event feedback survey questions are survey questions asked after an event has concluded to the attendees to understand their opinions about the event. Terms of Use For instance, when devising event plans, you could assume you know how many people will show up or how many want to see a particular speaker or celebrity. Whova Event App You may want to collect more in-depth feedback, which is where a specific survey can help. Your attendees are engaged, they’ve either asked questions and are waiting to hear them answered, or are ready to participate in Q&A. Overall, how would you rate the event? Here ar… This holds true for every aspect of your event. Try to limit the qualitative questions to just two or three. Maximize public participation in future events by finding out what keeps people coming back for more. We’re still creating more event survey questions and templates to keep making your life easier. However, there are many types of question responses to choose from. I send this form out to parents before conferences. Get started now. Help us make the most of your SUMMIT experience. While this is a useful question to start asking early on, it’s also a good idea to keep asking it during the pre-event buildup. How many of you have been influenced by Dr. Gunther’s work? How satisfied were you with the event? A good survey can open a treasure trove of information, but a bad survey is a waste of everyone’s time. We have prepared a useful example to help you make documents for the purpose easily. Whichever platforms you end up using, make sure to create event-specific hashtags to help people find you online. Surveys are a time-tested way to find out what they’re thinking. Questions for live polls are a bit different from conference survey questions — especially if the questions are being used. Live poll questions can help you make decisions in real time. It all depends on when you’re sending them out, what you want to achieve, and who you want to ask. 2. There are only two typesof survey questions: objective and subjective. You can include these questions: 3) Event or participant-specific survey: You may want to collect more in-depth feedback, which is where a specific survey can help. They allow you to take advantage of moments when the things you’re asking about are fresh in the attendees’ minds, and can provide insights that let you know if you have to pivot or modify your strategy on a dime. Asking questions now can even help you plan events in the future. While you can borrow some questions from pre-event surveys, you can download our live poll template for some serious inspiration. Register for MeetingsNet.com and gain access to premium content including the CMI 25 Listing, our monthly digital edition, the MeetingsNet app, live and on-demand webinars, and much more. Maybe it’s too late to add extra sessions at this conference, but now you have a heads-up on what would be popular at the next one. Include this question for events to which people travel, such as national and international trade shows or conferences, or if your event is partnering with local hotels. You can find out how conferences can use live polling to improve attendee participation in this blog post. Lead Retrieval Privacy Policy Apart from the questions themselves, one of the most important considerations is how to get them out to people. 9. What city should we have our next conference in? Name your top three speakers you would like to see next year. The EPI questions, as you can see, are fairly common post-event survey questions. People participate more fully when they’re actively engaged. At the event, make sure allergen and other essential food information (e.g. Include this as a question during event registration, so every attendee answers it. We’ll start the list of post event survey questions with some universal questions that can be used for almost any type of public events. 21 Great Post-Event Survey Questions to Ask Your Guests. Benefits of a Pre-Meeting Survey Use this list of pre-event survey questions to help you glean actionable insights from your event attendees before the big day. Free E-Books, Event Management Tips Register to view the full article . By tailoring your questions to the type of event you’re organizing — an expo, association event, or academic conference, for example — you can get a better idea of how you’re satisfying attendee needs. When you’re drafting a pre-event survey, you need to know what information you’re looking for, as this determines the kinds of questions you ask. 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